Forms and Surveys
Click the documents below to access and complete the forms and surveys. Remember: It's ok if parents do not give consent for us to collect data. They can still participate in all of the Take Flight activities.
Note: if you need any of these materials in a different format, please contact us at
Take Flight Teachers
If you received drones and you are using the Take Flight curriculum these are the forms you need.
Student & Parent Forms
All students should take this survey.
Make sure they complete the survey before starting the Take Flight curriculum.
All students' parents/guardians should complete the online form (above). If they cannot use the online form, they may print, sign and return this form to
Introduce the Consent Form
Language you can use to introduce the project and consent form via email.
All students should take this survey.
Make sure they complete the when you stop using the Take Flight curriculum - even if you don't complete Mission 6. When you end the curriculum, give students the post-survey.
Student Assent Form
You can use this form to explain to the students what they are going to be doing and why we are doing the study.
Teacher Forms
All teachers should take this survey both before they use the curriculum and after they have competed teaching the curriculum.
Teachers may print, sign, scan, and email the consent form in the above survey.
Make sure you understand the expectations for participation in the project.
Buddy Teachers
If you did not receive drones and you are not using the Take Flight curriculum these are the forms you need.
Buddy Teacher Student & Parent Forms
All students' parents/guardians at buddy teacher sites should complete the form online above. If they cannot use the online form, they may print, sign and email this form to
Make sure you understand the expectations for participation in the project.
Buddy Teacher Forms
All buddy teachers need to fill this survey out and provide consent that they are willing and able to participate in the study.