Mission 3: Technical Skills 

What are the specific STEM skills you need to fly a drone precisely?

Welcome to Mission 3! 

Scope & Sequence Document 

This mission is all about making sure students have the technical skills they need to fly drones. Students will learn how to map airspace, fly multiple drones at the same time safely. In this Mission students will be asked to complete the Trust Test, a FREE online UAS Safety Test. Any recreational flyer in the United States needs to pass the exam to fly legally. This includes all unmanned aerial systems, including drones, RC helicopters, and more.

Office Hours (Zoom Link): If you need assistance with the Take Flight Curriculum or you have general questions about the program please join us for monthly virtual office hours from 4:00-5:00 p.m. (EST). Office Hour Dates: Jan - 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30; Feb - 13 & 27; March - 13 & 27; April - 10 & 24; May - 8 & 22; June - 5 & 19. 


1.Before the Mission

Motivational Moves


Explicitly Teach Students About Growth Mindset 

Research spanning decades has revealed the profound impact of individuals' mindsets — their beliefs regarding the fixed or adaptable nature of talent, ability, and intelligence — on their motivation, engagement, and performance. 

Research shows that you can help girls develop a growth mindset by explicitly teaching all students what a growth mindset is

This will help you reduce the stereotype that people are just born good at STEM and will help students who need more time and practice to understand concepts in STEM - or fly drones - to feel like they still belong in the class and that they can be successful.


Develop a growth mindset through the Affirmation Activities embedded in this mission.

Before the Mission

Coming Soon! 

2. Student Portfolio

Print or Work Online

Every student will need a copy! 

This portfolio is where students can capture their learning. They can take notes, make drawings, and document what they do. You can print a copy or share the portofolio virtually. 

M3_Student Portfolio

3. The Challenges

Challenge 1 - Build Your Flying Skills


Slide Deck

M3_C1_Build your flying skills-SlideDeck

Challenge 2: Put Your Flying Skills to Use


Slide Deck

M3_C2_Put your flight skills to test_SlideDeck

Challenge 3: Map Air Space


Slide Deck


⭐ Bonus Challenge: Airspace and Sectional Charts


Slide Deck

M3_Bonus Challenge

4. Mission Landing

Landing Assessment    🚩 Required 

Landing Assessment Questions & Answers

At the end of each mission is a Landing Assessment. This Assessment consists of a 5-10 question multiple choice quiz and a few open-ended questions. After completing this assessment students receive a downloadable certificate of completion for the STEM: Technical Skills mission.  This link is NOT a template; the data will go directly to the CAST Research Team. 

Certificate of Completion for Technical Skills

On completion of the post-assessment, students will receive a Certificate of Completion for Technical Skills.

5. Teacher Forum

Need Help?

If you get stuck at any point during this mission, please contact  takeflight@cast.org for help.

Connect with Other Take Flight Educators

Use the Padlet below to connect with other teachers, see ideas and inspiration, or ask questions! 

6. In Action