Mission 1: Communication
How do communication skills lead to success in STEM careers?
Welcome to Mission 1!
This mission is all about communication, because whether students know it or not, communication is a foundational skill for success in STEM. The goals of this mission are to build students’ communication skills by ensuring they can use precision in language and detail in descriptions. This mission also introduces key vocabulary that students will need in future missions.
Office Hours (Zoom Link): If you need assistance with the Take Flight Curriculum or you have general questions about the program please join us for monthly virtual office hours from 4:00-5:00 p.m. (EST). Office Hour Dates: Jan - 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30; Feb - 13 & 27; March - 13 & 27; April - 10 & 24; May - 8 & 22; June - 5 & 19.
- Before the Mission
This section includes all necessary forms, mission overview, and research-based instructional moves (for teachers) and activities (for students) that will help ensure all students feel they belong, are motivated to engage and persist in the learning.
Required Forms
Parent/Guardian Consent Form 🚩 Required
All students' parents/guardians should complete the online form (above). If they cannot use the online form, they may print, sign and return this form to takeflight@cast.org.
Student Pre-Survey 🚩 Required
Administer the following student pre-assessment for this mission. This link is NOT a template; the data will go directly to the CAST Research Team.
Research-Based Instructional Moves and Activities
Teacher Moves: Explicitly Teach Students About Growth Mindset
Research shows that you can help girls develop a growth mindset by explicitly teaching all students what a growth mindset is.
Remind students that working through problems and having experiments fail is a normal part of the scientific and engineering process.
Make sure you give them time and space to grapple with and process ideas before stepping in to provide support and direction. Then, if you do jump in remind them about having a growth mindset and the work they are doing to “grow” their STEM skills and knowledge.
This will help you reduce the stereotype that people are just born good at STEM and will help students who need more time and practice to understand concepts in STEM - or fly drones - to feel like they still belong in the class and that they can be successful.
Student Activities: Help Students Develop a Growth Mindset
Research spanning decades has revealed teachers can help students' develop a growth mindset — a belief that learning is not fixed but can be improved through effort - and that when students' develop a growth mindset it can have significant long term positive impacts on their motivation, engagement, and performance.
Mission 1 Overview
All the information you need to get started with Mission 1 is in the Before the Mission document. Remember this document is where you can find the Landing Assessment questions and answers and Lessons from the Field (advice and suggestions from educators who have used Take Flight before).
2. Student Portfolio
3. Challenges
Challenge 1 - Lego Communication
Description: Students will practice active and accurate communication, listening, and speaking while working with others.
Time estimate: 45 minutes.
Pairs of identical sets of Lego pieces, about 10-14 pieces in each set.
Curriculum Standards
Challenge 2: Flying Orb
Description: Learn about the basic variables for flying drones, including lift, thrust, tilt, and air flow. Establish the collaboration and communication practices that are essential STEM skills.
Time estimate: 2 class periods (90 minutes)
For each group of five students, you will need:
A Flying Orb
Curriculum Standards
4. Mission Landing Assessment
Landing Assessment 🚩 Required
Landing Assessment Questions & Answers
At the end of each mission is a Landing Assessment. This Assessment consists of a 5-10 question multiple choice quiz and a few open-ended questions. After completing this assessment students receive a downloadable certificate of completion for the STEM: Communication mission. This link is NOT a template; the data will go directly to the CAST Research Team.
Certificate of Completion for Communication Skills
On completion of the post-assessment, students will receive a Certificate of Completion for STEM Communication Skills.
5. Teacher Forum
Need Help?
If you get stuck at any point during this mission, please contact takeflight@cast.org for help.
Connect with Other Take Flight Educators
Use the Padlet below to connect with other teachers, see ideas and inspiration, or ask questions about!
6. In Action
All of the images in this collection connect directly to the learning in Mission 1. Please feel free to use the images to make your own materials or activities for students. But, if you do please share what you make with us at TakeFlight@cast.org so we can share with other educators who are also using Take Flight.